May 14, 2013 - CHAP Agenda

Tuesday May 14th, 2013

12:00 Noon

Briefing Session

Chairman's Report, Committee Reports, Staff Reports

1:30 PM

Public Hearing

Minutes-April 9, 2013

Plans Review

1:30 PM

St. Michael’s Church Complex-1900 E. Lombard Street (Washington Hill Historic District)
Plan: Demolish two existing buildings (rectory and school) and demolish retaining wall. 
Demolition Review Procedure Hearing I- Determination of Contributing/Non-contributing structures.
The Redemptorists, Owner.
Mark B. Manzo, Contract Owner.
Chris Pfaeffle, Architect.
Eddie Leon, Staff Presenter.

2:00 PM

52-56 West Biddle Street (Mount Vernon Historic District)
Plan: Construct new 64 unit apartment building with ground level parking and lobby space.
Harbor Development, LLC, Owner.
Peter Fillat, Architect.
Eric Holcomb, Staff Presenter

The hearing will be held in the Phoebe Stanton Conference Room of the Department of Planning, 8th Floor, 417 E. Fayette Street. Please note that part of the meeting for the briefing session may be closed, as per provisions of the Open Meetings Act.

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