May 28, 2013 - CHAP Agenda

Tuesday May 28th, 2013

1:30 PM-3:30 PM

CHAP Ordinance Work Group
Plan: Final Recommendations.

The hearing will be held in the Phoebe Stanton Conference Room of the Department of Planning, 8th Floor, 417 E. Fayette Street. Please note that part of the meeting for the briefing session may be closed, as per provisions of the Open Meetings Act.

Please note that the following previously scheduled May 28, 2013 item is CANCELLED to be rescheduled on June 11, 2013. (The hearing time for this item on June 11 is to be determined).

Canton Methodist Episcopal Church- 1000 S. Ellwood Ave.
Plan: Designate as a Special List property. 
Joseph and Ann Schultz, Owner. 
Lauren Schiszik, Staff Presenter. 

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