June 10, 2014 - CHAP Agenda

Tuesday Jun 10th, 2014

12:00 Noon

Briefing Session - Chairman’s Report, Committee Reports, Staff Reports


12:30 PM

Close Meeting for Personnel Discussion


1:00 PM

Open Meeting- Lead Paint- Staff Briefing on Proposed changes to CHAP Guidelines


2:00 PM

Public Hearing - Minutes-May 13, 2014 
Historic Designation: 
CLG Review—Berea/Biddle Street Historic District 
Plan: Review of National Register Historic District Nomination 
Applicant: MHT 
Plans Review:


2:15 PM

149 W. Lanvale Street (Bolton Hill Historic District) 
Plan: Request revision to Commission’s ruling. 
Svetlana Likich, Owner/applicant. 
Marko Jovetic, Contractor. 
Lauren Schiszik, Staff presenter.


2:45 PM

Latrobe Park Field House (City-Owned Property) 
Plan: Emergency Demolition Request 
Recreation & Parks, Petitioner 
Eric Holcomb, Staff Presenter

The hearing will be held in the Phoebe Stanton Conference Room of the Department of Planning, 8th Floor, 417 E. Fayette Street. Please note that part of the meeting for the briefing session may be closed, as per provisions of the Open Meetings Act.

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