July 8, 2014 - CHAP Agenda

Tuesday Jul 8th, 2014

12:00 Noon

Briefing Session - Chairman’s Report, Committee Reports, Staff Reports


1:30 PM

Public Hearing - Minutes- June 10, 2014 
City Council Referals – Urban Renewal Plans 
Bill #14-0392 Urban Renewal – Broadway East – Amendment 
Bill #14-0391 Urban Renewal – Coldstream Homestead Montebello - Amendment 
Bill #14-0390 Urban Renewal – Druid Heights – Amendment 
Bill #14-0388 Urban Renewal – Reservoir Hill – Amendment 
Bill #14-0389 Urban Renewal – Poppleton – Amendment 
Bill #14-0387 Urban Renewal – Park Heights – Amendment 
Bill #14-0386 Urban Renewal – Oliver – Amendment 
Bill #14-0385 Urban Renewal – Johnston Square - Amendment 
Bill #14-0384 Urban Renewal – Middle East – Amendment 
Eric Holcomb, Staff Presenter


1:45 PM

City Council Referals – Taxation, Finance and Economic Development 
Bill #14-0399 Tax Credits – Historic Properties – Calculations 
Stacy Montgomery, Staff Presenter


2:00 PM

CHAP Guidelines Revisions – 
Proposed Amendments to CHAP Design Guidelines (Chapters 8 & 9) Regarding Lead Paint 
Plan: Revise CHAP Design Guidelines Regarding Lead Paint 
Staff Presenters: Eric Holcomb and Stacy Montgomery


Draft Revisions to CHAP Design Guidelines - Chapter 8
Draft Revisions to CHAP Design Guidelines - Chapter 9
Resources for Lead Paint Poisoning and Historic Preservation
Lead Paint Hazards and Historic Preservation Presentation

The hearing will be held in the Phoebe Stanton Conference Room of the Department of Planning, 8th Floor, 417 E. Fayette Street. Please note that part of the meeting for the briefing session may be closed, as per provisions of the Open Meetings Act.

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